Sunday, November 1, 2015

Apple Cider Custard Pie

My latest modification of the Grapefruit Custard Pie by Four & Twenty Blackbirds was the Apple Cider Custard Pie.  I replaced the cup of grapefruit juice with a cup of apple cider and the three tablespoons of Campari with three tablespoons of Calvados.

I made the mistake of not paying too close of attention; and when I turned down the oven, I turned it to 275oF instead of 325oF.  After the cook time was up, I realized my mistake and turned it back up and cooked it for an additional 15 minutes.  I think the crust would have held better had I cooked it for the correct amount of time at the correct temperature.  (Also, the picture is from day four, so the pastry has gotten a little soggy.)

The flavor was incredible.  It had the sweetness of the apple cider and a little bit of kick from the Calvados.  This is definitely a pie I will make again, only I'll do it right next time.  It is a nice change from a traditional apple pie that still maintains that apple flavor you expect from a pie in October.

Piece out!