Friday, December 29, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

This was the first year since 2014 that I was home for Thanksgiving.  So, of course, I was in charge of pie.  Made two pumpkin pies and a chestnut pie.  I had wanted to try the chestnut pie after seeing it in a Food Network magazine a few years back, but I had no idea it would be the runaway hit that it was.

The two pumpkin pies were Pumpkin Spice Latte Chiffon Pie and Maple Bourbon Pumpkin Pie Brûlée (this time with the bourbon).  I have definitely gotten better at making these two pies look pretty and they were as delicious as always. 

The Chestnut Meringue Pie was amazing. The chestnut custard was thick and smooth, and having three distinct textures in the pie was nice.  I highly recommend this pie, but you will need to plan ahead.  It isn't the easiest thing to find roasted chestnuts at the grocery store, so you may need to order then online.  I used these that I was lucky enough to find at Target in their grocery section.

Piece out!

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