Sunday, April 26, 2015

Blackberry Mint Julep Pie II

This was my second try at a Blackberry Mint Julep Pie.  After noting the short comings of my first attempt, I set out to perfect this pie.  The first pie had too much pastry cream, so in this recipe I used half as much.  The mint in the pastry cream was too herby, so I used mint extract instead of fresh mint.  The pie crust wasn't strong enough, so I used a shortbread crust instead of a butter crust.  The blackberries lacked flavor and and impact, so I cooked them and made a filling instead of leaving them raw.

Here is the recipe I used for the shortbread crust, which I then blind baked:
250g of flour
125g of room-temp butter
1 packet of vanilla sugar
125g of sugar
1 egg
Work into a ball, wrap in plastic, and let rest in the refrigerator for at least an hour before rolling it out.

The recipe I used for the mint julep pastry cream can be found on the previous Blackberry Mint Julep Pie post.

And here is the recipe for the blackberry filling:
24oz of blackberries
1 cup of sugar
3 tablespoons of cornstarch
Mix together over medium heat, until the juices are bubbling and thicken.

The result?  This pie was amazing.  The flavors came together perfectly.  You could taste everything, but nothing overpowered any other element.  The crust held up to the weight of the pie and added a great texture and flavor to the pie overall.  I think this one is a winner.

Piece out!

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