Saturday, May 16, 2015

Strawberry Balsamic Pie

Yesterday, I decided to make the Strawberry Balsamic Pie from The Four & Twenty Blackbirds Pie Book.  Today, when I went to Costco I bought a lot of strawberries.  Twice as many as I actually needed.  So I will be making the Ginger Strawberry Pie from the same cookbook tomorrow.

I thought it was odd that I had to macerate the strawberries and then pour out the liquid.  But this must be necessary to keep the filling from being too watery.  Another interesting part of the recipe is adding a box-grated apple to the filling. But I trust this cookbook like a Boy Scout handbook.

It is not a clean pie.  You want to make sure that you put the pie plate on a cookie sheet to keep the filling from oozing all over the bottom of your oven.  Unless you like the smell of oven cleaner; in that case, by all means...

It was also fairly warm in my house today (especially after running the oven at 425oF and 375oF), so although the filling had cooled it hadn't completely set.  So, maybe tomorrow I will get a cleaner slice to show you.

The pie itself is fantastic.  It isn't as bright as other strawberry pies.  It is still as sweet; however, it has a deeper and more complex flavor.  To best describe this:  imagine a bassoon solo instead of a clarinet solo.  You also don't notice the balsamic until the end of each bite.  Then it comes through and adds yet another note to this intricate symphony of flavors.

After sitting in the refrigerator over night, the filling did set up and created a "nicer" slice.  You don't need to wait to eat it, but stick it in the fridge if you plan on sharing with friends, or your husband's co-workers.

Piece out!

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